Pirate Day fun at Loose Valley Care Home

Ahoy from Loose Valley Care Home on ‘International Talk Like a Pirate Day’, Tuesday 19 September!
Is there a bounty for this many pirates?!

We have been speaking like pirates, wearing our eye patches and wielding our cutlasses today. We’ve also been learning about the pirates and their names such as Captain Morgan, Calico Jack and two lady pirates Anne Bonny and Mary Read (both were due to be hanged when caught, but they were pregnant so got a pardon!).

We’ve heard plenty of pirate phrases including ‘Get them to walk the plank!’, ‘Billy is a scurvy dog and hasn’t got his sea legs!’ and ‘There will be a mutiny ye scallywags!

Our residents think it’s great fun – shiver me timbers, yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!


Pirate Day dressing up at Loose Valley Care Home



