Birthday celebrations and music quiz at Loose Valley Care Home

A birthday cake with a difference…

Last week at Loose Valley Care Home we celebrated one of our resident’s birthdays slightly differently. Peter is not a fan of cakes, so to make sure he had something he would enjoy, our Chef put together a pork pie cake for his special day!

The birthday pie was surrounded by scotch eggs, sausage rolls and sausages and finished with a birthday candle in the middle!

Peter was overjoyed with the thought behind his birthday ‘cake’ and loved eating some of it for his supper.

Many happy returns Peter, from all of us at Loose Valley.

Name that tune…

We also hosted a ‘That Sounds Familiar’ quiz last week.

Music is a universal language; it can touch the soul, put you at ease and evoke memories from the past. We of course encourage singing, along with exercise by movement and dancing. Playing memory games keeps the mind active and engaged, and we enjoy lots of conversations about past happy memories.

The aim of the game was to guess the song by describing and asking questions. We found this activity boosted everyone’s mood and was inclusive for all, as it could be done in a group setting or on a one-to-one basis.


'That Sounds Familiar' music quiz at Loose Valley Care Home



