Celebrations for St George and tea drinking at Loose Valley Care Home

St George’s Day

We celebrated St George’s Day this week at Loose Valley Care Home with our lovely volunteers Phil and Cathy on the keyboard, and armed with their props!

We had flags, hats, bells and bubbles and sang songs such as ‘I’m forever blowing bubbles’, ‘Daisy, Daisy’, ‘We’ll meet again’ and many more old favourites.

We find singalongs really connect people with memories and emotions, and it’s lovely to hear people’s stories. Everyone gets fully engaged and Phil and Cathy kindly brought in printed songs sheets for everyone to follow if they weren’t sure of the words.

We think we did St George proud!

A nice cup of tea!

On Sunday 21 April we joined in for National Tea Day – the most British day of the year!

We served a selection of different flavoured teas including Camomile, Mango & Strawberry, Chai, Lemon & Ginger and Wild Berry & Peppermint.

The tea industry provides millions of cups of tea every single day around the world – and who doesn’t love a good cuppa?!

Our residents really enjoyed trying the different tea flavours and having a good natter.


St George and tea drinking at Loose Valley Care Home



