Mothers Day celebrations at Loose Valley Care Home

We enjoyed a lovely Mother’s Day here at Loose Valley Care Home on Sunday 27 March and Paula from our Recreation and Well-Being Team was on hand to share the special Mother’s Day church service on television with our residents.

We chatted about memories of Mother’s Day and Stacey put a puzzle book together, themed around Mothering Sunday, with interesting facts about how the day originated. Paula also gave all our mums a lovely red rose tied with a ribbon.

Relatives came in to visit with some beautiful cards, presents and flowers and we took lots of photos of our ladies with their loved ones and the beautiful flower bouquets they received, which we shared on whatsApp and interactiveMe.

Our mums deserve to be appreciated for all the hard work they put into raising their children and we enjoyed spending time honouring these amazing ladies.


Mother's Day goodies at Loose Valley Care Home

Mother’s Day goodies




